Meet Candace

Love is the answer to all questions.

I have always been fascinated with love.

It is a universal language attached to energy that shapes our world. When we love, we actively shape the outcome of our lives, relationships, and quality of life.

I help people live unapologetically free.

I didn’t choose this—it chose me.

While taking a course on the Psychology of the Soul during my doctoral studies, I discovered that there is infinite power in each one of us to live what we see internally. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad. When I started the course, I lived in a chaotic environment I’d entered into by faith. The faith-based decision, which resulted in a disastrous relationship, required that I unlearn handed-down ideas about myself, my path, my culture, and my faith. Once free, I began the process of freeing others.

My decision to heal changed my life forever.

A path to peace is available for those who choose to see things differently.

To get started, I used my academic opportunities to research paths to peace, love, and freedom. I combed through hundreds of research articles and books. I made lists of common themes in various forms of psychology ranging from positive psychology, analytical psychology and lifespan psychology. I went as far as to study creativity and genius. On the spiritual side, I built on my extensive biblical research and ministry background. Due to the nature of the doctoral program, I studied spirituality from a human development lens. It allowed me to see the connection points of various faiths. I tested what I learned on myself first.

Major shifts happened in how I perceived myself and others.

I was born into a lower-middle-class family and was raised in the inner city. Culturally, I was raised to be proud of my blackness and fixed in my faith. I made my parents proud by graduating from college with a degree in English and a minor in African American Studies. For graduate school, I attended Texas Southern University, a historically Black college, and started my teaching career as a graduate instructor in English. After taking a full-time position at the school, I started a ministry for college students and built a steady membership. I was fully immersed in my culture and teaching. I carried my love for both into my doctoral research at SMU. I studied the specific problems Black women struggle through, and it led me to my dissertation project on Black women, creativity, and power. In the end, I realized that the Black women I studied didn’t mainly focus on their Blackness as a means of survival. In other words, they broke rank with group thinking and forged their own paths - others followed. Most of them identified with the infinite, or the Creator, or Great Spirit, or God. They did not identify with the power system at work. They were not victims of it. They saw themselves as powerful beyond it in various ways that aligned with my research in psychology and spirituality. They created themselves free. I latched on to it, and my life began to thrive.

I developed a practice that has led me to wildly amazing results and opportunities to share with others.

I started sharing my work in classes and at conferences, and things took off from there. Ultimately, I pivoted from my well-established ministry background into nonprofit work with Are You Ready and my passion work with the Juneteenth Pilgrimage.

Are You Ready Inc. helps students know how to thrive in school with practical educational skills conjoined with personal development work. The Juneteenth Pilgrimage allows me the chance to meet with others around the country to commemorate the Juneteenth holiday. Beyond commemoration, my Freedom 16 course gives students the opportunity to celebrate American freedom from June 19th - July 4th. I believe this course will help heal the soul of America as it beomes a more perfect union.

Next Level Energy

My new course, Next Level Energy, takes the principles I learned to develop my dream life and makes them available to everyone who is willing to transform their lives to actualize their purpose. After all, if you don’t bring forth what is in you, what is you will destroy you. In the same vein, bringing forth what is within you, especially in service to others, will save you.

  • It empowered me to leave a physically, mentally, and spiritually abusive relationship.

  • It resulted in a deeper and more expansive spiritual life.

  • It healed generational trauma in the areas of race, gender, religion, and finances.

  • It enabled me to thrive as a single mother.

  • It helped me meet and marry an adoring husband who inspires me to live unapologetically free.

  • It freed me to travel with him around the world to see and experience love, culture, and luxury.

  • It shifted me professionally into my dream job.

  • It allowed me to thrive financially and enjoy a spacious home in an affluent suburb in Texas.

  • It expanded my business so that I can help more people live out their dream lives.

  • It keeps expanding.

  • It is in overflow.

My life isn’t perfect, but I no longer downplay the fact that I have more than I’ve ever had in every area of my life, and it is a vibe. Most of us have experienced delays in our lives due to recovering from x,y, and z. If you are ready to access the life you see inside of you, not the one you have created to this point, I am here for it. Let’s go.



My life isn’t perfect, but I no longer downplay the fact that I have more than I’ve ever had in every area of my life, and it is a vibe.

My life isn’t perfect, but I no longer downplay the fact that I have more than I’ve ever had in every area of my life, and it is a vibe. Most of us have experienced delays in our lives due to recovering from x,y, and z. If you are ready to access the life you see inside of you, not the one you have created to this point, I am here for it. Let’s go.

