Thank you for spending your time reading Next Level Energy.
I wrote the book because I felt an internal push to create something useful that captures concepts for improving one’s life at the soul level from a metaphysical point of view. This book is inspired by what I learned, applied, and experienced at SMU in the Doctor of Liberal Studies program and principles gathered from my time considering the Psychology of the Soul, A Course in Miracles, and my independent study on the Evolution, Fallacy, and Redefinition of the Strong Black Woman. With that said, the book is not dense or academic. Instead, it is written plainly and intended to be a quick read.
Please review each chapter and answer the questions that follow. There is space for you to offer thoughts - and I WANT to hear them. That’s why I asked you. I believe YOU are here for a reason, and I thank God you are.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
- Candace
Chapter 1